『Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology』Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts

  1. The journal publishes Original articles, Reviews, Short reviews and Short communications.
  2. In the Original articles of research on humans and animals, manuscripts must contain a statement to the effect that all human and animal studies have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee and have been performed by ethical standards.
  3. Manuscripts that are being submitted should be complete in all respects and be submitted in quadruplicate including an original typescript and three copies. Manuscripts deal with original material not previously published, or being considered for publication elsewhere and should be written in English.
  4. Manuscripts should be written in clear, grammatical English. Paper that do not meet this linguistic standard will be returned to the author without review. It is recommended that authors who are not fluent in the English language should confer with colleagues knowledgeable in written English expression before submission. Papers should be intelligible to the general reader of the Journal, and should be condensed to the greatest extent compatible with clarity.
  5. If accepted, the manuscripts shall not be published elsewhere in the same form, in either the same or another language, without the consents of Editors. Editor-in Chief regrets that are unable return copies of submitted manuscript except in the case of rejected articles, where only the original manuscript and figures will be returned to the author.
  6. Manuscripts should be submitted in double-spaced typing through including a reference list, footnotes, and figure legends; all sheets should be numbered serially. Page 1 (title page) should contain (1)the title (2) name (s) of author (s) and institution (s), (3)number of tables and figures, (4) running head, not exceeding 40 characters including spaces, and (5) name and for editorial correspondence including the telephone (Tel), Fax and E-mail numbers.
  7. The title must explicitly represent the content of the manuscript. Authors are recommended not to use title such as "Studies on...,Part 1." Use of subtitles is not recommended.
  8. The text should be as brief as possible and organized adequately classified headings, such as Abstract (300 words or less), Key words (5 or less), Introduction, Material (s) and Method (s), Results, Discussion and References.
  9. Separate sheets should be used for each table with its serial number and a brief explanatory title. Explanatory titles of all figures should be written on a separate paper.
  10. All figures should be identified with name (s) of author (s) and serial number in pencil on the back of each figure. The scale of magnification should be indicated on photomicrographs. The cost of color reproduction of figures will be charged to the author.
  11. The appropriate location of each table and figure in the text must be indicated on the right margin of the manuscript. Experimental results should be covered in duplicate by the text, tables and figures.
  12. References should be limited only to those having direct relevance to the subject of the paper. Normally they do not exceed 30 in number. In the text, references should be cited by the in parenthesis arranged in alphabetical order of the first author.
  13. In the reference list, reference should be entered as follows: reference number, names and initials of all authors, the year of publication, full title of article, name of journal, volume number, starting and ending page numbers. The form of citation of authors contributing a contributing a chapter to books should be similar to that for journals. Two examples are given. 1) Ross J S, Sager O, and Ruf H (1937) Statistical analysis of the EMG form the point of view of amplitudes. J Neurophysiol 11:232-236 2) Wells C E (1960) Effect of exercise and coronary artery narrowing on coronary collateral circulation. In: Circulation Res, eds.Bortz A and Evang K, Elsevies Publ Co, Amsterdam, Vol 21B, pp210-230 Japanese journal with English abstract should be added the phrase, "in Japanese with English abstract" in parenthesis at the end of a reference. An example is given. 1) Yamane K, Takeda A, and Nishiyama K (1961) Operant behavior during sleep. Jpn J EEG EMG 13: 145-147 (in Japanese with English abstract) References in the text should be listed in alphabetical order of the first author at the end of paper. It is strongly recommended that authors carefully examine each reference by direct confirmation of original publications.
  14. Copy right: Authors will be asked to transfer the copyright for their paper to the Publisher, using form provided, if and when the paper is accepted for publication.
  15. Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editorial Board, Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, ISEBU Corporation, 2-11-20 Amakubo, Tsukuba 305-0005, Japan


  1. 原稿の種類は総説,原著とし,原稿は日本語とします.
  2. ヒトおよび実験動物を対象とした研究の原著では,当該研究施設等の倫理審査委員会あるいは実験動物委員会等の承認を受けた研究であることを明記してください.
  3. 1論文の長さは原則として刷り上がり8ページ以内としますが,もしそれを超過する場合には,超過分の印刷代は著者負担とします.1ページは2段組とし,400字約5枚を予定しています.原稿用紙はA4版を用い,ワープロ・横書き・全角20字20行とします.1論文当たり図表数は5枚以内とします.図表,抄録,文献等はすべて1論文の長さに含まれます.欧文や数値は半角とします.論文原稿は緒言,実験方法,結果,考察,結論の体裁を参考に作成し,提出はオリジナル原稿及びそのコピーの合計4部とします.
  4. 原稿第1頁の上半には表題(副題はさける),欄外見出し,著者名,所属およびその所在地を書き,下半には原稿の枚数,図表数,別刷り請求部数,編集者への希望などを書いて下さい.
  5. 英文抄録は300語以内(表題,著者名,所属含む)をダブルスペースでタイプし,末尾に英文key words(5つ以内)をつけて 下さい.投稿の際には必ずnagative English speakerにチェックを受けて下さい.
  6. 本文とくにローマ字などはできるだけ読みやすく書き,イタリック指定のところはアンダーラインをしてその下にイタリックと書きます.動物名,外来語などは原則として片カナを用います.単位および単位記号は原則として国際単位系を用います.
  7. 図,表,写真の説明は英文で書きます.本文は欄外に赤字でそれぞれの挿入すべき位置を指定して下さい.
  8. 項目分けはI, II, ---さらにA, B, ---さらに1, 2, ---さらにa, b, ---というように分けて下さい.
  9. 文献記載の例
    1. 本文中の引用箇所の右肩に番号を付けます.1つの事象について複数の論文を引用する場合は,1, 5, 7) あるいは8~15) のように書きます.著者名を引用する場合は,3名以上の連名のときは,“など”あるいは“et al.”とします.
       例2:Remond and Conte2)によれば----
    2. 末尾文献リストは著者名をABC順に整理し,本文の番号と照合します.著者が連名の場合は省略せずに全員を掲げます. すなわち,雑誌は著者名,(西暦年数),表題,雑誌名,巻,頁(始-終)の順に記します.
       例1:竹村 義,齋藤 明(1984)脳磁図についての基礎的研究.日本生理誌 31:50-58
       例2:Rodin E A,Luby E D and Gottlieb J(1980)The cytophysiology of thyroid cells.J Physiol 114: 401-409
    3. 単行本は著者,(西暦年数),タイトル,編集名,書名,版数,章名,ページ,発行所,その所在地,引用頁の順に記します. 論文集などの場合は雑誌に準じますが,雑誌名のところには上記単行本の項が入ります.引用部位が単行本中の数箇所 におよぶ場合に限り,その書物の始めと終わりの頁を記入してもかまいません.
       例1:Wollman A V(1985)Microdiffusion analysis and volumetric error. Carbon monoxide, Ist Ed.,320-330, Crosby Lockwood and Son Ltd, London
       例2:Pantric V R(1980)Electrical correlates of cardiac cycle. In Ruch E Y and Green S T Physiology and Biophysics, 15th Ed., Chap. 30,360-500 Saunders, Philadelphia
       例3:Spurr A D(1965)Physical Chemistry, 3rd. Ed.,1-800, McGraw-Hill, New York
  10. 校正は投稿者の責任において,再校までとします.
  11. 掲載論文の別刷りは自己負担とし,50部単位で申し込むこと.
  12. 投稿論文の採否は編集委員会で決定します.
  13. 本誌掲載後,著作権は日本運動生理学会に帰属するものとし,本学会の承諾なしに他誌に掲載することを禁じます.
  14. 原著論文の投稿に関しては,共著者全員が投稿に同意することを明示した投稿証明書を添付すること.
  15. 原稿郵送先
    つくば市天久保2-11-20 株式会社イセブ内
    日本運動生理学会事務局 学会雑誌編集部宛
    (付記 問い合わせ先 FAX番号 029-852-8501)